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God has given many gifts and talents, and in order to truly worship him, we must use all that he has given us to praise him high! Here at New Life, we have a host of ministries for you to become apart of. We want you to strive to become all that Christ has planned for you to be, and will help you get there however we can. Join one of our ministries to continue your growth. 

Altar Workers - Barbara Jean Cooper
Audio - Calvin Dunkins
Fellowship Hall - Imogene Shy
Fit for the Kingdom - Frank Woolford
Helps Ministry - (Currently Open)
Music Ministry - Kimberley Woolford
Security - Lawrence Shy
Ushers - Patricia Gantt
Teens-in-Christ - Kandice Rice, Kenneth Rice, & Krystal Waldron
Women's Fellowship - Kimberley Woolford/Tee Crowley
Prayer Ministry - Dorothea Simmons
Technology - Martha Nyako, Nehemiah Alexander
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